After the fun of the Great Lakeland 3 Day, I returned to the Lakes with Becs last weekend for a bit of running and a bit of walking. We started with a wander up to Grisedale Tarn, where a stiff cold breeze activated our “can’t be bothered” sensors and we retreated to the shelter of Tongue Gill for a paddle instead.

The following day was ear-marked for running, so we did just that from New Dungeon Ghyll to the top of Pike of Stickle and back down again via Stake Gill. The climb was incredibly hot, which is a bit mad when you consider that exactly one week before I’d been wading through knee-deep snow drifts just a couple of miles away.

Once on the top a breeze cooled us nicely though, and it was great running. A lovely little route, although I was troubled by a bit of knee pain which I presume is a hangover from the GL3D exertions.

With my knee causing trouble the following day too, we resorted to everyone’s favourite default activity – gear shopping! Suffice to say that thanks to the lovely folks at The Climber’s Shop I’m now the proud owner of an Ultimate Direction vest (I’d actually borrowed one of their test packs to use on the previous day’s run around Langdale). Bloomin’ expensive, mind, but feels amazing. So a productive weekend, and no rain – excellent.