Our semi-annual gathering of ex-members of the Nottingham University mountaineering society happened last weekend.

MPS Reunion 2015 – Lake District

Written by Haydn Williams

Our semi-annual gathering of ex-members of the Nottingham University mountaineering society (MPS) happened last weekend. What follows is a mostly pictorial summary (hopefully the short comments don’t read too much like a Buzzfeed article!).

We stayed in Penruddock again, and with a miserable forecast on Saturday we decided to head for the northern fells. First up was Blencathra, but the day begin with some excitement just yards from the car.

This happened within 300m of the start. © Haydn Williams
This happened within 300m of the start. © Haydn Williams

With wet feet, we climbed up and into the cloud.

Looks a lot like OMM the previous weekend. © Haydn Williams 2015
Looks a lot like OMM the previous weekend. © Haydn Williams 2015

Great navigation by Ben got us to where we needed to be (although we missed the Cloven Stone, whatever that might be).

Damp below Skiddaw House. © Haydn Williams 2015
Damp below Skiddaw House. © Haydn Williams 2015

Wetness was a general theme throughout the day.

Damp on Knott. © Haydn Williams 2015
Damp on Knott. © Haydn Williams 2015


Damp at Grainsgill Beck. © Haydn Williams 2015
Damp at Grainsgill Beck. © Haydn Williams 2015

After spending the first half of the day off-piste, the afternoon was at least spent on paths.

John and Stu heading home, with Mosedale behind. © Haydn Williams 2015
John and Stu heading home, with Mosedale behind. © Haydn Williams 2015

Fortunately excellent company conquers all bad weather, and a good day was had by all.

Cleared up later on though. © Haydn Williams 2015
Cleared up later on though. © Haydn Williams 2015
Dramatic sheep. © Haydn Williams 2015
Dramatic sheep. © Haydn Williams 2015

Dinner was both massive and very tasty (thanks John!) and followed up by a Kendal Mint Cake Liqueur Hot Chocolate – highly recommended!

On Sunday we headed to Braithwaite with more hills in mind. This day also started with something ludicrous within the first 300m – this time a near-vertical slippery muddy slope covered in bracken.

This would be a stupid way to go up the hill. © Haydn Williams 2015
This would be a stupid way to go up the hill. © Haydn Williams 2015
John climbing Grisedale Pike. © Haydn Williams 2015
John climbing Grisedale Pike. © Haydn Williams 2015

Grisedale Pike was first, where John had to leave us due to injury (nothing too serious).

Ben and John atop Grisedale Pike. © Haydn Williams 2015
Ben and John atop Grisedale Pike. © Haydn Williams 2015

The rest of us carried on to Hopegill Head and then south to Sand Hill and Grasmoor.

Injured John heads back down. © Haydn Williams 2015
Injured John heads back down. © Haydn Williams 2015

The cloud cleared and we were rewarded with some views, finally!

View from Crag Hill. © Haydn Williams 2015
View from Crag Hill. © Haydn Williams 2015

Ben and I took full advantage of the visibility to run a few up- and downhills; thanks to Stu and Phil for putting up with us running off giggling at every opportunity.

Selfie on The Scar. Brilliant running terrain. © Haydn Williams 2015
Selfie on The Scar. Brilliant running terrain. © Haydn Williams 2015

The running was brilliant – mostly very fast, some nice technical bits, and in the most spectacular surroundings. I should do the Lake District more often.

Brian the Butterfly. We released him from the cottage the previous evening. © Haydn Williams 2015
Brian the Butterfly. We released him from the cottage the previous evening. © Haydn Williams 2015

All things considered, it was another excellent weekend. Roll on the next one.